A Strategic Specialist

Bankim Brahmbhatt | President & CEO  | Bankai Group

Bankim Brahmbhatt | President & CEO

The essence of being a successful leader or a CEO, lies in establishing a perfect combination of technical skills and people skills

Being a CEO was neither the motive, nor the idea when Bankim Brahmbhatt started his journey. Leading a vivacious group of motivated individuals, has been a perk of running this business.“And how do I match up to their energy? Thees sence of being a successful leader or a CEO as you may call it, lies in establishing a perfect combination of technical skills and people skills,” he explains. “Knowing your trade can take you only as far as being a good manager, however being empathetic and compassionate is the root to be a leader.” Bankim tries to follow this rulein his life in general with focus on customer and employee satisfaction. This is coupled with necessary engagements in order to generate ‘joy of working’.

 As the founder of the Bankai Group, Bankim has always been passionate about telecommunications and technology. Over a journey of three decades, he has learnt most of his lessons while on the job. But what led him constantly towards his goal are Bankim’s ambition and integrity. “And with that, I want to add that my destination is still ahead of me. What drives me is my desire to create such an ecosystem for carriers, operators and FIs that can help them co-exist, nurture, innovate and serve the society in return,” he explains.“I have realized that a selfless goal is what leads a person or an organization towards success and this can only be achieved by being an enabler, which is a combination of self-confidence and selflessness.”

State-of-the-art Product Offerings
Bankai Group has decades of experience in the telecom and fintech industry, providing innovative technology solutions to customers, so they become more agile, reduce fixed operation costs and introduce next generation services. Their state-of-the-art product offerings are aligned with the market needs and address the challenges of the transformations both in network systems and business domains. The group helps customers manage and carry them out with the lowest risk to derive enhanced ROIs. 

Bankai Group’s solutions have always been futuristic and allow easy deployment both on-premise and over cloud. Most of their solutions and services come with a faster TTM and capability for remote deployment. This helps their customers streamline their expenses on exorbitant hardware, and hence reduce their OpEx. “We also automate our solutions so there is minimum manual interference and hence near-zero scope of errors,” says Bankim. “We see customers as our partners who are a part of our product enhancement journey. We value their inputs, understand their problem areas and try to address  their needs through researched approach.” This is the reason the group is not limited to geographies and enjoy loyalties of customers from even the remotest parts of the world. 

Bankai Group has been an active player in the telecommunications and fintech domain for several decades now with customers from variety of segments like enterprises, banking and government bodies. This exposure has given them a unique perspective when handling a multitude of requirements. Unpredictability of regulatory requirements, changing global market and swiftly updating technologies are the major market challenges that most solution providers face today. Their offerings are customizable, scalable and unhackable with capability to deploy over a cloud. 

The group’s flagship Digital Financial Solution MobiFin Elite has been receiving terrific response from customers across the globe. “We understand that security plays a major role in a mobile financial platform and that is what makes the heart of MobiFin Elite,” adds the steadfast leader. “This solution is a winner in its segment due to its unique security features that are novel to a financial platform. These security features are coupled with carefully crafted business use cases that have been designed after thorough research and understanding of the market.”

Industry Champion
An instance that Bankim wants to quote explaining his group’s abilities is that of a mobile money platform provider they worked with in a West African country. The aim was to set up an all-inclusive digital ecosystem for their customers. The company was using a voucher based wallet and was looking to switch to a centralized e-wallet generation, disbursement and withdrawal  system connected to the bank’s escrow account. Bankai’s digital financial solution MobiFin was successfully deployed with separate wallets setup for customer, agent, merchant and enterprise with direct P2P transfer facility. The efforts demonstrated almost instant results and augmented the number of wallets the company provides by straight 25% only in a couple of months. 

For the days to come, Bankai Group is focused on enhancing their existing range of solutions and constantly adding value to them through enhanced features and richer interface.“We also have some more technologies in pipeline and are looking to diversify our portfolio. You will learn about them when the time is right,” says Bankim. IC